Matt- Class of 2015

 There seems to be an ongoing theme with my senior sessions when it is someone I know. It is the "I can't believe so-and-so is a Senior" theme. Matt's session was no different! Matt is my little cousin who is actually not so little and just so happens to be 6'3"! My Aunt and Uncle are from Michigan and moved to Las Vegas when Matt was 9 years old. I am so glad they did, because life wouldn't be the same without them here. Over the years we have spent every holiday together, gone to the cabin each year for 4th of July and even took a 10 day trip to California last year together! During Matt session we decided to also make it a family session, because let's be honest, if we are going to set up one photo session mine as well kill two birds with one stone right?! Love this family so much!

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© Bethany Paige
Maira Gall